Learn more about our training and mentorship program.
WCA’s experience in growing a female-based organization around sports has been crucial in helping us appeal to female audiences and grow a successful softball program. We highly recommend any youth sports organization looking to build a highly reputable and successful program to pursue a partnership with WCA. Overall, there was noticeably more player participation and retention on the WCA-coached teams in comparison to the non-WCA teams, and the family engagement with the WCA-coached teams was also stronger.
Courtney Behn & Jayden Mendoza
Academy Softball Partnership & Program Staff Giants Community Fund
“The WCA is an amazing organization that helps young, inspired coaches develop a wide range of skills. They provide a solid foundation for their coaches, so our athletes receive a positive and satisfying experience. We are a proud partner with the WCA and always look forward to working with them .”
Kevin Gresh,
Burlingame Parks & Rec Coordinator
“So glad this program exists! Keep up the good work - looking forward to our girls learning more from some other women who play”
“Amazing supportive teaching community- love that it is women focused coaching and positive!”.
Giants Community Fund
Softball Parents Summer 2024